1. The Heart Continously beats (Non stop) 24/7 without getting tired, the human brains also works 24/7 , everything is so perfect without any errors.


  1. Problems  occurs when we think of wrong or right / good health or bad health, when we have desires.


  1. Less the 1% people are rich, and even less than 0.01 % are happy and content  (why) ??


  1. Ask you self what makes you happy,  Drinks / company of Friends, /  parents / wife / traveling, well yes but then according to me helping someone , is the best way to get happiness, one should practice this everyday ( save a life of animals /donations/ educating someone  etc etc)   


  1. Excercise make you fit / good food make you happy/ but then this are all temporary.


  1. Negative thinkets focus on problems , positive thinkets  focus on solution.


  1. One Positive thought can change your whole day.


  1. To die for a living person is good then to die for a dead person.


  1. Learn  from Babies , they are always happy and energetic , they don’t know what is unhappiness they cry not because the are unhappy  but for some uneasiness or pain.


  1. We know everthing but are unware of the same  ( we have all knowledge  in built but we are unware of the same.


  1. We are all the same and we are all one accept our for our thoughts (mind), we belong to one entitiy.


13.What You breath is present  and what you breath out is past , there is no future.


14. Thoughts  are like water flowing in a river ( water falls) , they start from a certain point and end /mix at certain point.


15.Child will mostly eat or do anything  told , where as an adult  will think twice.

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Email:   happy@apex-Jewels.com